Full Resolution Image Display in SmartDR Acquisition Screen
I’m writing this note to summarize the situation with the reported issue related to image resolution.
This is not a bug, but rather a limitation of how the Smart DR software was designed and implemented. Changing the behavior to allow for display of the full acquired image resolution is a major project that does not fit into any near term time frame (i.e. not for 3.8 MR2). Not only is the display of images affected, but also every annotation and overlay, and other operations such as zoom, pan, flip, and so on.
That said, we will be putting this into the next large scale software release for SmartDR. As we are still gathering requirements and feedback for that version, no ETA is available.
Cameron Love
Director, Product Development
Sound (A VCA Company)
From: Stijn Luyck stijn.luyck@stl-international.be
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2018 2:52 PM
To: Cameron Love
Cc: Robert Jacobi; John Jacobs; Scott Giebler; Tom Jacobi; William Hornof
Subject: RE: SMARTDR / NEXT viewing
Hi Cameron,
It’s the system you guys send to Thailand a few weeks ago … guess it had the latest software/patches.
See you in a few days,
From: Cameron Love Cameron.Love@soundvet.com
Sent: 29 November 2018 22:33
To: Stijn Luyck stijn.luyck@stl-international.be
Cc: Robert Jacobi Robert.Jacobi@soundvet.com; John Jacobs John.Jacobs@soundvet.com; Scott Giebler Scott.Giebler@soundvet.com; Tom Jacobi Thomas.Jacobi@soundvet.com; William Hornof William.Hornof@antechimagingservices.com
Subject: Re: SMARTDR / NEXT viewing
Can you please confirm for me what version of SmartDR you were using that had the interpolation issue.
Cameron Love
Director, Product Development
Sound (A VCA Company)
Mobile: 760.644.6341
From:Stijn Luyck stijn.luyck@stl-international.be
Date: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 at 6:41 PM
To: Cameron Love Cameron.Love@soundvet.com
Cc: Robert Jacobi Robert.Jacobi@soundvet.com, John Jacobs John.Jacobs@soundvet.com, Scott Giebler Scott.Giebler@soundvet.com, Tom Jacobi Thomas.Jacobi@soundvet.com, William Hornof William.Hornof@antechimagingservices.com
Subject: Re: SMARTDR / NEXT viewing
Let me know what your findings are, we can discuss details next week at the AAEP.
Im a bit concerned none of our sales/demo team or installers have seen this. I know my eye is critical but theirs should be a bit “radiologist” too.
Take care, Stijn
Sent from my iPhone
On 21 Nov 2018, at 23:10, Cameron Love Cameron.Love@soundvet.com wrote:
This email chain was forwarded to me last night. It is my opinion this is a regression bug. We addressed this in SmartDR 3.0 and it very well could have come back. We have started conversations with the development team to see if this truly is a regression bug or something new. We will keep you posted on findings.
Below is the email to you about this issue on 12/4/15.
From: Cameron Love cameron.love@soundvet.com
Sent: Friday, December 4, 2015 9:08 AM
To: William Hornof
Cc: Stijn Luyck; Johnny Jacobs; Bryan Stephens
Subject: Re: NEXT
Great catch. The way our image display works, we process the image using some C++ libraries. This includes scaling the image to fit the size of the screen for display. Then, we take the output from that and put it into a .NET display control which is the same size as the scaled image so that the display control is not doing any scaling to fit to screen.
What we found was a math error that caused the size of the scaled image and the size of the display control to be different by a handful of pixels. That caused the display control to scale the image a tiny bit, which appeared to be causing the lack of sharp detail. Once that was resolved so that the image was correctly being scaled just once, the detail in the displayed image improved noticeably.
This will be addressed in SmartDR 3.0 Auto Update.
Cameron Love
Director, Product Development
Sound (A VCA Company)
Mobile: 760.644.6341
From: Stijn Luyck stijn.luyck@stl-international.be
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 7:48 PM
To: Robert Jacobi; John Jacobs; Scott Giebler; Tom Jacobi
Subject: SMARTDR / NEXT viewing
Several years ago when I received my first NEXT system I noticed immediately that the viewing in the SMARTDR Aquisition software was below standard. The resolution of the image presented was below par, the image once transferred to eFilm was way better in quality. As most people view in the acquisition software (and the system is demo’ed and sold as such) it made side by side comparisons to other systems difficult.
At the time I was assured that they would fix that problem removing the need for people to use eFilm so it left my mind and I forgot about it. Whenever I noticed an image on a NEXT screen I always thought I was biased and preferred the sharper Canon images ... not remembering my original observation that the viewer in SMARTDR actually did not show full resolution. (In Canon they have a HQ button)
Now several years later while installing the small animal system here In Thailand I’m surprised to see that the problem still exists!! The image shown in SMARTDR is blurry and out of focus, the same image in eFilm is way sharper! Basically one is diagnostic and the other is not!
Below you can see a screen copy from the acquisition station showing the same image in SMARTDR and in eFilm side by side. The image in eFilm is WAY better ... surely that is the image we want to see in SMARTDR too, no? When we demo a system and zoom in on the image just taken sure it would be of benefit to have the image with full resolution available as seen on the right compared to the image on the left?!?
I’m not a software programmer so have no idea how much work is involved in changing the code for the viewer ... but I doubt that we can gain more in “image quality / USD spend” anywhere else in the system.
Let me know what your thoughts are of this,
Regards, Stijn
Sent from my iPhone