68 results found
Ability to import patient data when incorrectly deleted
Submitted on behalf of South Rowan Animal Hospital. When a patient is incorrectly deleted or the software autodeletes patients you do not want cleared, it would be helpful to be able to recover them from backups or other methods without losing new data.
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Integrate With Cornerstone
We use Cornerstone in our practice. Antech Labs upload automatically. We would like the same option for x-rays.
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Have the Species in the SOUND DR programs more closely resemble the acceptable species in Antech Imaging Services. Currently, if there's a discrepancy with the species between platforms, AIS will reject the images until the location contacts them with more details. For example, SOUND calls a Ferret a "Small mammal (species)/Ferret (breed)" since the species was not be recognized by AIS (as is the case for the ferret), it denied the storage request.
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age entry change
Eliminate the age & month blanks for patient age entry--possibly only have the calendar option, or enter the exact birthdate (dd/mm/yy)...this is SUCH a major issue to correct when the exact birthday it needed for submitting images to OFA and PennHIP, and everyone is so tempted to use the quick age blanks (years & months). Despite trying to train each employee to enter it through the calendar, we spend a ton of time calling Sound to have the birthdate corrected in AIS and eFilm and it is so time consuming. Please, please change the age entry feature to something more…
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3 votes
Set workbench settings for specific protocol (i.e.) pregnant dogs.
We have trouble with the image settings for pregnant dogs. We do not get alot of detail - if we could have a protocol that sets the contrast higher automatically instead of doing it manually every time.
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Reject reasons
Is there a way to customize the reject reasons to fit our provincial laws? And also add notes to the reason's if needed.
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"Hands free" vs. "manual restraint" tab along with the doctor/tech tab?
Can there be a "Hands free" vs. "manual restraint" tab along with the doctor/tech tab?
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Dark Theme
Dark Theme please!
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Equine: Hoof vs P3 angle.
As per "Angle Compare Tool"; integral to laminitis diagnosis. Being able to measure angles and show them to owners/farriers while on farm would be so valuable. For an example, please see as depicted at thelaminitissite.org/feet.html
All angles would not have to be done at same time on same view, could measure angle, copy; then measure others1 vote -
Add/remove ER function.
Cas-363720 requested the ability to add/remove the ER function on the main page. Location states vet techs are selecting the ER function but not editing the patient information later meaning patient information is getting lost in the system.
3 votes -
It would be nice to have an exposure index for new technicians who are less experienced in deciding if radiographs are over- or underexposed. I have used other systems that have utilized this and it helps in educating staff as well as improving image quality
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Adding a canine breed
We are performing radiographs on a patient for OFA registration and realized we do not have the patients correct breed. The breed is a Russian Black Terrier
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Add cranial/caudal shot feature for turtles for accurately assess lung fields
In order to accurately assess turtles and tortoises' lung fields, a cranial/caudal view is necessary. Currently, we have logged these views under "Lateral" and then used a text annotation to correctly label the view that we actually took.
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Ability to update the name of a patient, without altering the name of the same patient on previous studies
Useful for horses that are unnamed at the time of early studies being taken (eg as a foal or yearling) but then go on to being officially named (eg for racing/competition/breeding, etc purposes) and you want the studies to remain together for continuity/patient record reasons.
4 votes -
Be able to assign a different client name to different studies of the same patient
I'd like to be able to keep the images from the same patient all together for continuity (as currently occurs), but be able to edit the owner/client details for a specific study without changing the owner/client details on all other studies.
For example: "Horse 1" is radiographed for "Client A" as a yearling for the Sales, and is sold and enters the training stables of "Client B" where it is again radiographed on several occasions before being sold to "Client C" where it is again radiographed.
In the above scenario, I either enter the same horse into the system 3…
4 votes -
physician field
The performing physician field should show Dr. in front of the vet's name.
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The ability to generate a 'blank' image for troubleshooting purposes
When troubleshooting DICOM transfer issues, it would be useful to generate a test image and send without requiring someone at the clinic to fire the generator.
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PPE Leak Check Presets
Provide guidelines for gown, glove, and thyroid shield leak checks into the system to ensure that standards are the same across the board.
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Image count Reports?
Not sure if this is possible on the acquisition station, but it's definitely not available on AIS / PACs (which is where I think it should be available). Need a way to run reports to count the total number of images taken in a date-range.
2 votes
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