68 results found
Show Zoom Percentage
Please show the zoom percentage during image review. It is helpful to see and note the percentage of zoom applied or, be able to apply a certain amount of zoom for comparison.
1 vote -
Improved Gain Calibration Information
I am a mobile large animal veterinarian and the images I acquire have an average distance of 24" between the detector and the handheld x-ray unit. However, your software tells me to calibrate this system at 40" which is a distance I will never use. It would be nice if the software prompted me to use a baseline parameter set appropriate for the type of system.
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Taste Parameter Preview
I'd like to be able to preview any changes I am making to the image processing. Currently I have to make changes, hit apply and then see how they look. If I don't know what they were set to before I moved the slider(s), I can't return to what was set previously either.
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Offline Software Updates
As an IT professional, I would like the ability to update the SmartDR application in an offline format. I have my acquisition station in a private network that does not have internet access and would like to be able to keep the software up to date. This allows IT control over when the update is pushed based on peak usage and/or any internal training and notification deemed necessary.
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Ability to import patient data when incorrectly deleted
Submitted on behalf of South Rowan Animal Hospital. When a patient is incorrectly deleted or the software autodeletes patients you do not want cleared, it would be helpful to be able to recover them from backups or other methods without losing new data.
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Integrate With Cornerstone
We use Cornerstone in our practice. Antech Labs upload automatically. We would like the same option for x-rays.
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Have the Species in the SOUND DR programs more closely resemble the acceptable species in Antech Imaging Services. Currently, if there's a discrepancy with the species between platforms, AIS will reject the images until the location contacts them with more details. For example, SOUND calls a Ferret a "Small mammal (species)/Ferret (breed)" since the species was not be recognized by AIS (as is the case for the ferret), it denied the storage request.
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age entry change
Eliminate the age & month blanks for patient age entry--possibly only have the calendar option, or enter the exact birthdate (dd/mm/yy)...this is SUCH a major issue to correct when the exact birthday it needed for submitting images to OFA and PennHIP, and everyone is so tempted to use the quick age blanks (years & months). Despite trying to train each employee to enter it through the calendar, we spend a ton of time calling Sound to have the birthdate corrected in AIS and eFilm and it is so time consuming. Please, please change the age entry feature to something more…
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Reject reasons
Is there a way to customize the reject reasons to fit our provincial laws? And also add notes to the reason's if needed.
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"Hands free" vs. "manual restraint" tab along with the doctor/tech tab?
Can there be a "Hands free" vs. "manual restraint" tab along with the doctor/tech tab?
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Dark Theme
Dark Theme please!
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Equine: Hoof vs P3 angle.
As per "Angle Compare Tool"; integral to laminitis diagnosis. Being able to measure angles and show them to owners/farriers while on farm would be so valuable. For an example, please see as depicted at thelaminitissite.org/feet.html
All angles would not have to be done at same time on same view, could measure angle, copy; then measure others1 vote -
1 vote
Let the hospital change the species info
Let the hospital change species info
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VD and DV Porcine views
Add dorsal ventral and ventral dorsal options for porcine abdomen and thorax views. Currently, there are no options in either "right" or "left" body. We have taken the VD or DV views under the "Lat" option and then used text annotation to indicate the actual view taken. However, that does mean that all the views taken this way have an inaccurate description that is automatically generated and depicted on the radiograph based on the name of the view we registered the xray under: Lat abdomen, Lat thorax, etc.
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Add LH and RH to the possible automatic markers for an image. This would be a huge time saver for equine practitioners.
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Requesting to Add american english coonhound on the list of breed
Or at least able to select "other" as an option
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Support Agfa Enterprise MWL
DICOM Conformance Statement for Agfa HealthCare Enterprise Imaging 8.1.x can be found at http://www.agfahealthcare.com/global/en/he/library/libraryopen?ID=53821200
1 voteWe are currently testing this with a new release of the SmartDR software.
Allow the Vet dropdown to be auto-populated from a worklist
Currently, when a worklist request is submitted to SDR, and the Referring Physician field has a value, it does not populate the Vet dropdown.
1 vote -
Region Nickname Overwrite original name
Requested on behalf of Rood and Riddle. Ability to rename the Left Keeneland repository and other regions.
1 voteThank you for the request.
You would like the nicknames/slangterms to overwrite the region/exam/position names? This could be configurable, but we would still need to send the original names in DICOM. Does that work?
- Don't see your idea?